Top installers
in Dubai: strengthening
ties with
an unforgettable trip!
This experience, along with other events, testifies to Comelit’s ongoing commitment to the strategic goal of creating solid, long-lasting relationships with its best customers.
Among the many messages of thanks we received, we appreciated one in particular, which we report here: “Thank you very much for this wonderful experience: not only for the quality of the trip, but also for the idea of experiencing customers as partners and transporting them into your world, into your passion and your professional ambitions, making them feel like ours too, a spirit that in a small way I will try to replicate with my customers. I believe this is the right way to invest in your future!”
As the installer partners return to their daily activities, they take with them indelible emotions, strengthened bonds and the knowledge that they are part of a network of professionals always ready to support them – or, as we like to call it, “With You. Always!”